

A personalized OpenLM experience

The Custom Commands extension enables OpenLM users to create functions for personalizing their OpenLM experience

Custom Commands allow OpenLM users to create functions for a variety of levels of personalization of the OpenLM experience. This is an extremely flexible tool that allows users to run scripts for managing specialized situations for licenses and permissions that occur with changing usage status. The opportunities include, but are not at all limited to:

Custom Commands are created in OpenLM’s Administration controls through OpenLM EasyAdmin using

Potentially endless variations!

Custom Agent Procedures scripts

Agent Procedures can initiate execution of script or executable in a defined path on the agent machine.

Example actions:

  • Activate an application and launch the next action.
  • Activate an application and wait for it to end before launching the next action.
  • Activate a batch command and launch the next action.
  • Activate a batch command and wait for it to complete before launching the next action.

Implement the custom scripts your way

  • Immediately, without waiting.
  • Only after the previous action is complete.
  • Only after the previous action completes successfully.

You define how the script should be run

  • Runs as the current user.
  • Runs as the System user.

Custom Alert Management scripts

Alert Management can run a program on OpenLM Server or run a command on the license management server through OpenLM Broker. 


System managers can define alert conditions which trigger behaviors that present alert messages or run custom scripts. When Custom Commands are enabled several features are added to Alert Management functionality:

  • Run a Program on OpenLM Server
  • Run a Broker Command on a License Manager Server.

Personalized license consumption scripts via App Manager

OpenLM App Manager provides customized scripting functionality for rules created in the App Manager during allowing or denying license consumption. Scripts run as an application (user owned) or as a service (system owned).


  • Custom Commands provide customized scripting functionality for rules created in the App Manager module. Rules that allow or deny license consumption can trigger scripts that run as an application or as a service on the end user’s workstation.

Prerequisites & System Requirements

The custom command extension requires the OpenLM Agent to be installed on the end-user’s workstations and the OpenLM Server on a dedicated machine. Download these components here.

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