OpenLM Maintenance Release Version


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OpenLM Server version

OpenLM Server version is a maintenance release to version 1.8. It contains some bug fixes to problems found in previous versions and enhancements. We ย recommend that users of previous 1.8 versions to whom these problems may be relevant upgrade their system to this version.

Whatโ€™s new in OpenLM Server (Apr 30, 2014)

Issue #1808: [OpenLM Server] License usage table does not present total number correctly.

Issue #1799: [OpenLM Server] License procurement table showing duplicate entries.

Issue #1807: [OpenLM Server] Delete user from group fails.


Upgrading the OpenLM Server

In order to upgrade to version

1. Stop the OpenLM Server service

2. Backup your DB file (Typically located in: C:Program Files (x86)OpenLMOpenLM Serverdb)

3. Make sure ALL windows are closed; especially the services window.

4. Install the new version on top of the existing one.

5. If prompted to do so, contact OpenLM to obtain an up-to-date license file. Please provide your MAC address and Hostname (case sensitive) for that. Copy this file to the

C:Program Files (x86)OpenLMOpenLM ServerLicense ย ย folder, and restart the OpenLM Server service.


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