OpenLM New and Last Pre-Release Version


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OpenLM Pre-release version

Pre-release version is planned to be the last pre-release version, it includes bug fixes and new functionality. Note that this is still a pre-release version not intended for production use, please donโ€™t upgrade your production system.


Please check for upgrade instructions at the end of this message.

Whatโ€™s new in OpenLM Pre-release Server (May 28, 2014)

– 0001835: [EasyAdmin] Links In “License Servers” and “Feature Usage Status” should be disabled if the “CCL” and/or “Licenses” are not enabled ย – resolved.

– 0001845: [OpenLM Server] OLM-Server – Notifications – Can not set up for public mail such as gmail ย – resolved.

– 0001573: [OpenLM Server] PHP and lightpd services did not start ย – resolved.

– 0001829: [General] PHP service will not start ย – resolved.

– 0001740: [General] Read RMS debug log file. ย – resolved.

– 0001787: [EasyAdmin] prompt the user before exiting when there are unsaved changes ย – resolved.

– 0001837: [OpenLM Server] License usage – handle current sessions with candidate end time ย – resolved.

– 0001329: [OpenLM Server] Link from licenses to license procurement ย – resolved.

– 0001910: [OpenLM Server] License usage problem when feature is obsolete BUT the quantity is still open (due to errors) ย – resolved.

– 0001889: [OpenLM Server] Cant install Even when installing from scratch (not upgrade) ย – resolved.

– 0001905: [EasyAdmin] License Servers ย – resolved.

– 0000828: [OpenLM Server] Bad message in oracle based upgrade ย – resolved.

– 0001902: [OpenLM Server] Problems showing mixed NMU/Floating license ย – resolved.

– 0001898: [OpenLM Server] Can’t upgrade SQL DB 1.8 –> 2.0 ย – resolved.

– 0001792: [EasyAdmin] explanation is not clear in new alert condition “feature usage by period” ย – resolved.

– 0001569: [EasyAdmin] add immediate help to complex option in EasyAdmin ย – resolved.

– 0001579: [EasyAdmin] Option file admin window stuck. ย – resolved.

– 0001854: [EasyAdmin] Options file selected, but won’t save. ย – resolved.

– 0001853: [EasyAdmin] User settings – remove ‘Next’ button on last step of wizard ย – resolved.

– 0001872: [EasyAdmin] Version Filtering does not work in “License Procurement” ย – resolved.

– 0001788: [EasyAdmin] alerts add destination form is not clear ย – resolved.

– 0001859: [OpenLM Server] Suspension not working with Autocad license. ย – resolved.

– 0001828: [EasyAdmin] provide additional predefined filters ย – resolved.

– 0001860: [EasyAdmin] selecting a date should move the active option to “expires before” ย – resolved.

– 0001848: [EasyAdmin] Problem related to startup filters ย – resolved.

– 0001592: [EasyAdmin] Error when saving option file – was not shown to the user ย – resolved.

– 0001661: [OpenLM Server] Light: Must use “openlm remotely queries license manager” since broker is not included ย – resolved.

– 0001878: [EasyAdmin] New icon is not visible ย – resolved.

– 0001879: [EasyAdmin] can’t close alert rules window on firefox ย – resolved.

– 0001821: [EasyAdmin] Alert Management – Destinations – Email field is required though users can be selected ย – resolved.

– 0001822: [EasyAdmin] Alert Management – Destinations, when selecting “Defined by custom pattern” settings are set to zero ย – resolved.

– 0001823: [EasyAdmin] Alerts Management – Destinations – SMS – “Adress” should be called “Phone number” ย – resolved.

– 0001836: [EasyAdmin] Vendors and Features of deleted Servers for Unmanaged Processes show up in Filters ย – resolved.

– 0001869: [OpenLM Server] Can not read information from the Options file. ย – resolved.

– 0001849: [EasyAdmin] error removing unmanaged – during presentation ย – resolved.

– 0001858: [EasyAdmin] Easy Admin – Email/SMS – Email: Email is not working ย – resolved.

– 0001862: [EasyAdmin] Usage level should be rounded to integer ย – resolved.

– 0001838: [EasyAdmin] Alerts configuration: Can’t add conditions ย – resolved.

– 0001692: [OpenLM Server] fatal error ย – resolved.

– 0001857: [OpenLM Server] Can’t close Autodesk session manually. ย – resolved.

– 0001558: [EasyAdmin] negative up time to license server ย – resolved.

– 0001880: [EasyAdmin] License Usage – The total line dissapers (development) – closed.

– 0001580: [EasyAdmin] adding user to role easyadmin hung up ย – closed.

– 0001856: [OpenLM Server] KeyNotFoundExceptions in configuration form ย – closed.


How to upgrade from previous versions


Upgrading from older versions using Firebird database


Upgrading an existing version is done by installing the new version on-top of the existing version. OpenLM will automatically upgrade the database to the new DB version.

At this stage we only support embedded Firebird installation. A release that supports external databases will be release soon.
If for any reason the process fails, send the report named FBDBUpdate_Log.txt located in unzipped file to our Support team at:

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