You have been sent an OpenLM SaaS welcome email, entitled “OpenLM SaaS – Login Details”.
This email contains:
- Links to the OpenLM Broker installations for Windows and Unix/Linux
- Broker.xml configuration file, containing your SaaS login credentials
- Link to this document
This document explains how to install and configure your OpenLM Broker to work opposite the OpenLM SaaS system.
1. Download the broker.xml file you have received on the “OpenLM SaaS – Login Details” email.
2. Download the OpenLM Broker installation file onto your License Server machine. The installation file should match the Operating System (OS) of your license server (Windows / Unix-Linux).
3. Install the OpenLM Broker on your License server machine. Please refer to this document for detailed information.
4. Open the Broker Configuration tool.
4a. For Windows: Start → All Programs → OpenLM → Broker → OpenLM Broker Configuration Tool.
4b. Unix / Linux: run the OpenLM Broker start command and Configuration tool start commands;
start.cmd and start_config.cmd in the Broker installation folder.
5. Add a SaaS OpenLM Server connection:
5a. Highlight the “OpenLM Servers” icon on the left pane.
5b. Click ‘Add’ and select “SaaS OpenLM Server”.
6. Import the SaaS login credentials:
6a. Click the “Import SaaS Settings from File” button.
6b. Select the broker.xml file you have previously downloaded.
7. Verify that all entries are filled as in the example below
8. Click the “Check Connectivity to OpenLM Server” button, and verify the connection was successful.
Note the port number in the URL text box (e.g.: 64001). If the connection test has failed, make sure your Firewall system enables outbound connection on that port.
9. Click ‘Apply’ , ‘OK’ and “Restart Broker”
If you encounter any difficulties – please feel free to contact the OpenLM support team at