OpenLM Maintenance Release: OpenLM Broker


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OpenLM Broker version

OpenLM Broker version is an official maintenance release to OpenLM version 2.0. It containsย the newly added recording feature for analytic purposed. ย We recommend to install this version when asked so by support of OpenLM

Whatโ€™s new in OpenLM Broker (November 27, 2014) ?

  • 2513:Player plays few messages together
  • 2500: ย Configuration – Openlm server is not required when configuring a recording
  • 2504: ย Configuration – It should be impossible to edit the recording tab while recording
  • 2508: ย Recorded file name should be <LicenseServerName>_<Port>_<RecordingStartDate>_<RecordingEndDate>.rec
  • 2499: ย Configuration – saving recording configuration
  • 2501: Configuration – all ports should be selected by default
  • 2505: ย Add “Stop Recording” button
  • 2506: ย Logging – add fileappender to write logs to a different log file
  • 2507:Logging – add logging to file and add log.config that we can set the logger level
  • 2535: ย Configuration – cant leave the recording tab
  • 2546: Make sure that Broker doesn’t send License file message if file path is null/empty even if it is checked

Upgrading the OpenLM Broker to version

Upgrading the OpenLM Broker is fairly straight forward:

  1. Download the Broker installation file from the โ€˜Downloadsโ€™ section in the OpenLM website.
  2. Make sure ALL windows are closed; especially the services window.
  3. Install the new version on top of the existing one.
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