Monitoring Siemens Polarion with OpenLM: How to Set Up OpenLM and Start Saving


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Siemens Polarion is one of the 80+ license servers supported by OpenLM Software License Management Solution. If you are using one or multiple Polarion products, you can leverage OpenLM to make the best out of them. Read on to discover how you can monitor Siemens Polarion with OpenLM.

What is Siemens Polarion?

Siemens Polarion is an application lifecycle management (ALM) solution that helps organizations simplify, automate, and enhance their processes across various projects and life cycles. The range of tools that Polarion offers includes solutions for collaboration, test management, requirements management, and more.

Notably, Polarion comes with five types of product configurations; each having its own suitabilities:

Polarion® ALM™  Polarion® REQUIREMENTS™ Polarion®


Polarion® PRO™ Polarion® QA™
Suitable for
IT Managers Project Managers Customers Contributors responsible for specific ALM tasks Testers
Release Managers Business Analysts Suppliers Operations Team Members Test Managers
Compliance Managers Requirements Engineers Partners DevOps & technology QA Managers
Project/Program Managers Managers who gives approval of completed tasks Finance Managers Developers

Additional Read: Monitoring Sentinel Hasp with OpenLM: Introduction & 4 Important Aspects

How to monitor Siemens Polarion with OpenLM?

Polarion offers different types of allocations for its licenses, including named user and concurrent models. Notably, you can track and optimize both of these models with OpenLM. Here’s a basic guide to start optimizing your Polarion licenses with OpenLM:

  • Get a subscription of OpenLM Cloud or install the OpenLM Server v2x (on-premise) on a workstation machine.
  • Install the OpenLM Broker latest version on the machine where Siemens Polarion is installed
  • Configure the Broker and the OpenLM Server as shown in this doc.
  • Verify your configuration from OpenLM EasyAdmin by clicking EasyAdmin Start → Widgets → License Servers. If the configuration is working properly, you will be able to see configured license managers (OpenLM Generic in this case) in the server list with a green circle node.

Additional Read: A Cup of Efficiency: Understanding OpenLM Services Through a Coffee Machine Analogy

4 benefits of monitoring Siemens Polarion with OpenLM

  • Optimize license usage: Identify and redistribute or dispose of underutilized licenses to maximize efficiency
  • Cost-savings: Avoid paying for unused or unnecessary licenses, reducing overall software costs. 
  • Increased productivity: Ensure that the right users have access to the tools they need at the right time.
  • Simplified Administration & Centralized Control: Centralize control and reduce administrative tasks.

Register for our free trial to experience all these benefits before deciding on your license management strategy. You can also write to our SMEs to set up a free demo.

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