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New at OpenLM – OpenLM Agent&End-User Services v22.2

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Starting with the End-User Services v22.2 release, our users can receive notifications coming from OpenLM Agent. Older versions of the Agent used to have Windows (OS) notifications. In the latest version, these have been replaced by Browser notifications. 

These are native browser notifications, which means that they are going to be displayed as long as the browser is open. To receive them, the user should allow notifications to be displayed when he or she navigates to the Personal Dashboard user interface:

Browser notification

If the user clicks allow and the network is not closed (allows connections to external APIs), the user will start receiving notifications from Agent, otherwise, the notification system will fall back to a SignalR based web socket system (it will show notifications only inside of the app in Toast message format).

The diagram of how the notification system works

For Firefox, the “Allow notification” popup window has to be triggered from the user’s interaction, because of that we display a dialog to the user first. That dialog has a request permission button that triggers the notification popup when clicked.

 Example of a notification

The following events will trigger a notification:

  • When a process has been released;
  • When the user has to select an active project (there is also a variation of that, which includes the currently selected project and the possibility to choose another one);
  • When an app is forbidden to run;

The latest Agent also provides the possibility to force the opening of a new browser tab (or a new browser window if the default browser is not opened) when the user receives the notification related to selecting a project.


Download the Agent and the End-User Services here.

Stay tuned!

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