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OpenLM for SolidWorks

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OpenLM has just launched the “OpenLM for SolidWorks” extension.

This unique extension provides some dedicated enhancements for SolidWorks users on top of OpenLM’s regular functionalities.

The Solidworks extension enables OpenLM’s customers to identify idle SolidWorks sessions and save and close these idle sessions, thus returning the idle license to the license pool and boosting license availability. Users who have been denied licenses will be notified when one has become vacant.

Apart from these benefits, SolidWorks users will also be enjoying all other OpenLM capabilities, such as actual application usage monitoring, data synchronizing with organizational Active Directories, reporting usage and applying chargeback according to Project and Group membership, applying changes and maintaining FLEXlm Options files.

You can apply this extension directly from the OpenLM software. If you don’t have it installed, be sure to download a free version. Support is fully available during the evaluation period.

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