Table of Contents
ToggleOpenLM Server version
OpenLM Server version is a maintenance release to version 1.8. It contains some bug fixes to problems found in previous versions and enhancements. We recommend that users of previous 1.8 versions to whom these problems may be relevant upgrade their system to this version.
Upgrading the OpenLM Server
In order to upgrade to version
1. Stop the OpenLM Server service
2. Backup your DB file (Typically located in: C:Program FilesOpenLMOpenLM Serverdb)
3. Make sure ALL windows are closed; especially the services window.
4. Install the new version on top of the existing one. During this process, a pop up window may prompt you to upgrade the OpenLM database. Click ‘OK’ to run this upgrade.
5. If prompted to do so, contact OpenLM to obtain an up-to-date license file. Please provide your MAC address and Hostname (case sensitive) for that. Copy this file to the
C:Program FilesOpenLMOpenLM ServerLicense folder, and restart the OpenLM Server service.
What’s new in OpenLM Server (Aug 04, 2013)
1. Issue #945: [EasyAdmin] License utilization window, minor issues.
2. Issue #1184: [EasyAdmin] Configuring “process features” mixes up default idle time threshold values.
3. Issue #1188: [OpenLM Server] Idle time reporting issue.
4. Issue #1187: [OpenLM Server] Missing attributes in procurements table.
5. Issue #1183: [OpenLM Server] Space in LUM i4blt.exe path causes malfunction.
6. Issue #1181: [OpenLM Server] BetaLM date format error.
7. Issue #1180: [OpenLM Server] Can not read licenses from Broker using an MS-SQL server.
8. Issue #1176: [OpenLM Server] Missing entries in Easyadmin after upgrade.
9. Issue #969: [EasyAdmin] Denial Line chart is empty. (Other charts show data correctly).