Did you know that OpenLM can let you control software license usage by conditions that even many license managers don’t know how to handle?
For example, one of the features of OpenLM’s most recent extension – App Manager – is to permit or deny use of the app according to time of day. Another condition you can set is to restrict the user to only certain versions of the application. First you need to set up the condition. Below you can see how simple this is. In the condition editor window, you select the argument type time, set operation to ‘after’ and value to 10:00.
Next you set up the rule – a new rule called ‘Deny USA after 10:00’. The condition we defined above is marked as well as another condition that had been defined previously – ‘groups include USA’. Finally an action of ‘Deny’ is specified for the rule. See below.
Another possible condition you can include in the rule is the version of the software, defined below.
An example of a rule using this condition is shown below. In this case it is used in conjunction with another condition ‘application’ and an action of ‘Allow’ is marked as shown below.
The result of implementing a rule is that when a user tries to launch an application, if it doesn’t match the rules the app will not start and a message similar to the one below is displayed.
The OpenLM App Manager is now being offered free including support for one year to all OpenLM customers with a valid maintenance agreement for OpenLM Pro, Enterprise or Site License configurations. https://www.openlm.com/openlm-app-manager/