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The EPLAN licensing shift: How to maintain control with OpenLM

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The recent transition in EPLAN licensing model has impacted its users across industries. Organizations heavily relying on EPLAN licenses are considering all possible ways to overcome the obstacles this change brings. Notably, while this transition may make it extremely challenging to track licenses, OpenLM may stand out as the only solution that can help users navigate this transition. Read on to find out how.

The IT manager’s nightmare: EPLAN disables reporting for new users

Previously, EPLAN provided reporting capabilities within its license manager, allowing solutions like the OpenLM Broker to monitor license usage. This facilitated efficient license allocation, usage tracking, and cost optimization. However, EPLAN has now disabled these reporting capabilities for all new license manager users.

While existing EPLAN customers who have used the software for a long time still retain access to the older reporting functionality, and therefore can still be monitored by OpenLM Broker, new EPLAN customers find themselves in a bind. They lack the built-in reporting necessary for traditional license monitoring, effectively losing visibility into how their valuable EPLAN licenses are being utilized.

A smart way out

Despite the inability to track usage data from server due to reporting restrictions, organizations can still track EPLAN usage by installing OpenLM Agent at individual workstations. While you may not get cumulative data from your server reports, you can create the same easily by collating license monitoring data from every system in your organization.

Curious to know more how OpenLM can support you during this transition? Fill in this form and our support team will connect with you.

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