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Trouble Shoot Form: Agent Item 002 (All license usage information on the Agent is blocked)

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Title License usage reporting information on the Agent is blocked
Category Permissions and Roles.
Date Jul 6, 2011
Handled by Rachel
Relevant Links (link to mantis item, docs, customer correspondence etc.)
Applies to license managers FLEXlm, FLEXnet publisher, IBM LUM, HASP, RLM, Sentinel RMS, LM-X, DSLS
Applies to license model Floating licenses, Network licenses, Concurrent licenses
Symptoms Following the creation of an admin account in the OpenLM Server Configuration, all license usage information on the Agent is blocked
Observed during investigation
Trouble shoot process 1. Create a role.
2. Assign all the necessary resources, that will allow viewing details, to the new role.
3. Add users as members of this role.
Solution Found (Found/Pending/Known Issue)


The customer complained: “Every time I go to add an admin account in the OpenLM Server Configuration it blocks all license usage information on the Agent?  I’d like to password protect the EasyAdmin web application but still allow users to see the license usage through the agent. Is there a way to do this?”

Observed during investigation


An admin account on the OpenLM Server Configuration window was created. This can be done by unchecking, and then rechecking the “Enable permissions” highlighted checkbox. A small dialog box subsequently appears, requiring a name & password for the new user (e.g.: User name: admin, Password: admin).


When you enable permissions, users need to be assigned with a set of permissions that will allow them to view license servers’ details

1. Create a role: Login to EasyAdmin with the “admin” account. follow the steps described in the “Creating a new role” section of “OpenLM Roles and Permission Groups based security – Application Note 1006”.

2. Assign resources to the new role: After you save the new role, the “Resources” tab will become enabled. Navigate to that tab. Note that it is assigned with one default resource. Now you need to add all resources that have this name pattern “server_servername” e.g. server_srv1 (where srv1 is the name of the server that you will grant access to). In order to do so, Follow the description in section “Adding resources to a role” of “OpenLM Roles and Permission Groups based security – Application Note 1006”.

3. Assign the new role to the “admin” user: In order to do so, Follow the description in section “Assigning roles to a user or group of users” of “OpenLM Roles and Permission Groups based security – Application Note 1006”.


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