The following is a log of all enhancements and bug fixes introduced with OpenLM Reporting Hub releases. For general information about the OpenLM Reporting Hub, please take a look at our Documentation page.
Also, consult the system requirements document before installing.
6698: Add "Projects" field to the Reporting Hub
6202: Test PostgreSQL 10 with Reporting Hub
13175: Reporting Hub add and fix columns
13174: Features with "-" cause issues with ETL
13171: Reporting Hub - Faster Power BI, Trend line and sum values
13170: Aggregated and raw tables give different results
9204: Hourly aggregation in Reporting hub
9199: Add nested groupping to Reporting Hub data structure
14760: Reporting Hub - License Expiry in license file name
14749: Reporting Hub - ETL workstation query taking a long time
13391: Reporting Hub - Foreign keys fail when hostname is blank
13176: Reporting Hub: "Live" concurrent queries
21641: Reporting Hub ETL runs slowly on MySQL for Phillips
21639: Reporting hub ETL grabed duplicated value
21574: Redesign Reporting Hub to fit very large datasets
19612: Reporting Hub - Increase license server name character count ( Varchar(100) --> Varchar(400) )
16635: Reporting Hub - Implement the "Live" functionality in the current reports.
16011: Reporting Hub - Hourly Concurrent Usage table showing wrong value
16010: Reporting Hub - "Live" concurrent usage is slow on large databases
16009: Reporting Hub - Add Candidate Expiration Date to License_Dimension table
26101: Reporting Hub - Packages not working correctly
25263: Reporting Hub - No success or error state in job
25253: Reporting Hub - License quatity presented
25227: Reporting Hub - Deleting temp tables fails
24555: Reporting Hub - Additinal key value in external destination should be 1000 chars long
24511: Date value is duplicated when transfering from Postgres to MSSQL
22263: Reporting Hub - Automatically edit postgresql.conf and pg_hba files
22262: Reporting hub ETL - Create DB automatically
22190: Support case sensitive databases in Reporting Hub
22185: Test Postgres 12 with Reporting Hub
22017: Reporting Hub ETL - Daily run does not remove tmp tables
29434: Reporting Hub ETL - Starting date variables
29433: Reporting Hub ETL - Normalize value names
29172L: Reporting Hub ETL - transfer to MSSQL happens twice
29097: Reporting hub ETL - ETL_VERSION update fails
29067: Reporting Hub - Remove requirement for temp folder
27886: Reporting Hub - Denials sid_hourly not created correctly
27859: Reporting Hub - Quantity table get deleted server data
27207: Reporting Hub - Duplicates in workstation primary key
26976: Reporting Hub - Transfering to MySQL fails
26975: Reporting Hub - License Quantities are not showing up
26744: Reporting Hub build - Live calculation folder is missing
26527: Reporting hub - missing a column "License Manager type"
26416: Reporting Hub - Reserverd licenses flag is not being considered
26353: Reporting Hub - Denials query performance.
29623: Reporting hub: Cloud - ETL fails on the denials step when generating the month
31235: Reporting Hub: a single feature has several rows in the DB
31503: Reporting Hub: ETL is not collecting features with a version
32515: Reporting Hub: ETL failure in customer's DB
33621: Reporting Hub: ETL fails on indexes
33745: Reporting Hub: Kettle path fix
33815: Reporting Hub: ETL throws Invalid column name - INCREMENTAL=false recreates Postgres DB schema BUT not MS SQL schema
33979: Reporting Hub not starting
34034: Reporting hub is not creating Postgres database
34036: Reporting Hub ETL fails on data extraction
33933: Reporting Hub - ETL Status table is not logging failed ETL status
34349: Reporting Hub: Latest ETL fails on UTF issues
34497: Reporting hub ETL - maxusagedate variable is not found
35126: Reporting Hub SaaS cloud ETL - transfer from postgres to mysql fails
30141: Reporting Hub: Conversion mechanism for kettle files
30344: Reporting Hub: Kettle file - edit variable names to be more descriptive
30559: Reporting Hub: Add table for host availability
31241: Reporting Hub: Data anonymization
31242:Reporting Hub: Add status table
33490: Reporting Hub: Rename DB Connection variables to match Data Migration Tool
33666: Reporting Hub: MySQL denials transfer performance optimization
33682: Reporting Hub: Add Destination DB: Create functionality for the external transfer
33768: Reporting Hub: Align to the Versioning template
33878: Reporting HUB : Firebird deprecation
33991: Reporting HUB : Add license expiration date to the reporting License ETL
34283: Reporting Hub ETL - Sequential runs per vendor
35040: Reporting Hub ETL - remove denials stream that uses "LICENSE_ID"
42267: Added default settings configurations for .kettle
38789: Java version upgrade to OpenJDK11U-jrex64windowshotspot11.0.17_8
38789 : JDBC Drivers update (mariadb-java-client-2.7.5 mssql-jdbc-9.4.1 postgresql-42.2.9)
38789: Pentaho 9.3 upgrade
42186: Target MSSQL transfer - "Cannot drop the view 'sys.databasefirewallrules', because it does not exist or no permissions"
42234: Uppercase alias errors on a case-sensitive MySQL databases
38100: PowerBI reports Hourly License Quantity calculation issue
42109: Target database creation issues on MySQL
41646: MSSQL Destination drop constraint error
38560: License with no usage now is not displayed
41718: Anonymization failure
37738: The Used Dimension now has a "country" field
44715: clientlicenseversion column to Power BI reports for filtering data by client license version
47452: Multiple Family IDs within a single session
52227: SpringFramework to 5.3.26 version
52474: Added the ability to filter data by server.

46223: Added the ability to send emails using SSL
51790: In the process of updating data regularly (incremental ETL), there are repeated entries (duplicates) in the column named concusage within the table called featureusagemeasurehourly_split

A critical security vulnerability has been identified and addressed in the OpenLM Reporting Hub. To protect your systems, we strongly recommend updating to the latest version as soon as possible.
In accordance with industry best practices, we will provide more detailed information about the specific vulnerability in 30 days.
PostgreSQL updated to v16.4
56000: Security patch
56636: Missing data in following incremental ETL run on hourly measure