UI/UX enhancements
FlexLM Logs uploader
Onboarding Cloud Tour
Support of the Directory Synchronization Service on OpenLM Cloud
Kestrel - OpenLM Server new default HTTP Server
REST API implementation
New releases numbering policy
32539: Disabled License Server are not displayed in the Server dropdown list
32084: Server: Reports: Feature Usage "per User" returns "No results found"
32083: Server: Reports: Feature Usage "Per Group" shows "No results found"
32620: Licensing - when upgrading to version 5.6 or above,the OLM Agent Tokens are added automatically as a new vendor, taking up a slot in the OpenLM license file
32513: EasyAdmin does not load up correctly due to Trial licensing issue
32180: Server: Unable to fetch license quantity for RMS License Manager
32102: License Activity Report is empty when filtering by Feature with version
30663: Autodesk Cloud error: Can't get .ASPXAUTH cookies
27878: Server: Alerts: Editing duplicated Alerts rule creates strange duplicated entries
23278: OpenLM Support Report shows no longer existing Brokers
31539: OpenLM Server: User details are not shown under the link in Currently Consumed License
22716: Working Days & Hours: Reports: "Since beginning of the week" filter does not take into account the first day the week which is configured
31389: Denials aggregation
31390: OpenLM Server - Track version history
31392: HASP - Support Denials
31918: Support Security for Agent & End User Services
24635: Add export to CSV for Feature Usage Per User and Feature Usage Per Group reports
20830: Add column "additional Key" to License Procurement Report
20763: Cloud - OKTA SSO Support for OpenLM Cloud accounts
33074: Support NX Tokens
32541: Implement Autodesk Cloud proxy settings
33969: Groups - Prevent OpenLM from creating loops of groups
34082: Server: Server upgrade resets Proxy settings
33751: The Server does not recognize DSLS Feature
33748: Server: Office 365 no license monitoring via proxy
33663: BetaLM output wrong - Can't convert String: Fri May 6 2022 to DateTime
33620: Server: Amazon.Runtime.AmazonClientException: No RegionEndpoint or ServiceURL configured
33534: Server: NNU does not show allocation when there is no asset_info in the options file
33451: Server: OpenLM fails to analyze OLicense output
32229: EasyAdmin: Option File Management: Add Keyword window is not working
31540: AutoDesk Cloud: OpenLM issues if named and floating licenses exist with same name
30999: New license server entries show up to users even when no permissions available until service restart
26371: Service and Task Manager have time lag for closing and killing program
35695: LM Tools in OpenLM Server v21 not saving the settings for the path and executable for many license managers
34206: OpenLM Cloud not showing a server name in the Broker list
34019: Kestrel: Charset (character encoding) problem: text is displayed incorrectly (Japanese)
34813: Users: Question mark is displayed instead of Department name
27909: License Servers Widget : No Status in the Popup for Triad configuration
31497: Server: RMS license server not reporting all usage
32596: License Activity report/export for 90 days fails
33982: Windows Authentication creates a new login with a restricted Role
33987: License Usage report failure - The incoming request has too many parameters
34015: Server: ServiceNow ETL sync failure notification even though the sync succeeded
34030: When Groups are updated using the User import (csv) the system does not recognize there has been an update to the groups
33945: Server: CodeMeter: Failure to read feature lines correctly
34409: REST API: several features methods (lookup, usage, totalusage) cannot handle multiple features with same name
34489: Users are being removed from groups after deployment of the Options file from OpenLM
35108: Server: SqlException: The conversion of a datetimeresulted in an out-of-range value
35228: API: FeatureID Not found
34058: License Allocations - the Server collects allocated licenses not in use
34644: Anonymize History - Support Anonymize History in EasyAdmin Cleanup Manager window
34225: OLM Server: Save & Close for CATIA
33114: License Files window - View & Download
29129: LicenseActivity: Added country column
30348: REST API: GetLicenseUsageReport throws JsonSerializationException
22444: Start-Stop Buttons not active in EasyAdmin for Sparx, RLM LM-X, OpenLM Generic Interface, GreenHills, CodeMeter
34139: Server: RLM: Denials for Token-based Licenses are not processed by OpenLM Server
35207: Server: Error updating 'none' DB with licenses - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Incorrect usages collection
35711: Edit License manager returns error when modifying setting
35516: Rest API - Groups lookup
35473: Server Rest API - Feature activity (License activity)
35321: Server: RLM: Token-based license support
35298: New License Usage Rest API
35236: Server: Generic XML protocol is to support Allocation license type
35222: License file window - upload license files
35157: Add Allocation information to OpenLM windows/apis
35035: License Activity - GroupByUser - show user name as link and link to user details
34543: FlexLM: OVERDRAFT - New vendor policy: Allow utilization to excess quantity of total licenses
34419: National instruments license file
30940: Addition of a list of characters that are not allowed to be used for the license server description
16736: Support FlexLM Overdraft
31939: Server: DSLS short usage of a license (Q-Checker)
36148: EasyAdmin -session timeout despite are constant activity in the system.
36285: Easyadmin - Missing sampling interval when editing LUM license server definitions
35921: Cloud Admin UI- failure to delete the Server
35744: EasyAdmin: User with no permission to create or edit users or groups can do it by importing file
35255: Server: ArcGIS Online: Error converting JSON string
35138: Allowed multiple OpenLM Cloud Trials setups
28703: Server: CSV export delivers Mac format - "CR" at line end instead of "CRLF"
12765: Report Scheduler: possibility to edit the saved URL of a scheduled report
25234: Server: License Activity report: Usage time within a filter period is incorrect
25856: EasyAdmin: License Usage: Average function calculates data wrongly
27131: Report Feature Usage Per User - no CSV export button available
29109: License Usage table view - Average # of concurrent licenses displays wrong value
33462: Server: Error when setting permissions for Office365 from OpenLM Cloud
33668: System & Security: Logs & Reports: Stop Logging button works incorrectly
35124: Vertical Scroll bar is missing in Options File Preview window
35812: "Use Broker" checkbox is missing for HASP
36368: 5.6 to 21.12 AllDBUpgrade faillure
36369: API: Equivalent Method Creation Requests for Old SOAP Method GetDenialCharts
36411: Feature Usage Per User Report: Period of Time & Graf
36417: Server: RLM Server is reporting no usage
36435: License activity total usage is empty if a feature is selected
36438: DSLS allocations failure
36658: EasyAdmin: Possibility to set hint width
36746: ArcGIS Online: 400 error: not licensed by user
36759: Server: Office 365: Allocation Number Includes Components of the Package
36786: LDAP group is overridden when this group is updated in the options file
37077: Cloud: Paging issue when adding User on Account: only 10 Users are Displayed
37139: OpenLM CLoud - error when updating a License manager
36993: Incoming mails after new user registration come call the recipient "sysadmin", although he or she is not
37325: Option File Management: Deployment of Options File results in all Ldap/AD groups unavailable in v22
37174: EA: License Usage Report: Export CSV button doesn't react
37139: Error Message: Non null Username required when using Password for host 'with port 28000 when trying to turn off read license file
37027: Upgrading to OpenLM Server v22.2.x cause Alert Administration malfunctions
37038: License manager - Servers: Clicking on the 'Used' link calls the LicenseUsage report instead
36991: Greenhills: Denials are not displayed
36970: EasyAdmin: License Server Panel displays wrongly Number of Display Data
36746: ArcGIS Online error: userEntitlements {"code":400,"message":"not licensed by user","details":[]}}
36494: External Platform service - Port value is assigned to instance name
36434: 'Load settings from existing user' button appears only after clear settings
36412: Greenhills license server issue
36212: Ability to select working hours separately for each day
34496: New notification for DB number of records table reaches a certain limit
33111: Greenhills license manager displays Data Error
8445: Feature Usage: EasyAdmin: New column "Total named" to "Feature Usage Status"
37644: Cloud: Reports Scheduler: No sufficient Role & Permission for some Databases
37404: OpenLM Cloud: User gets N/A for number of licenses
33090: OpenLM Cloud can not save screen layouts
42326: Cloud Profile opening from Cloud Admin->Accounts: 404 error
42439: Cloud Portal client authorization page search filter issue, when the search filter is empty the magnifier or enter button action doesn't return whole list
41493: Cloud Portal: Enable Dongle Monitoring in Cloud Portal