The following is a log of all enhancements and bug fixes that have been introduced with OpenLM Directory Synchronization Service releases. For general information about the OpenLM Directory Synchronization Service, please refer to the following application notes:
26413: Encrypt password in configuration files
26404: Better UI icons/status indicators in the Status column of the Sync Manager tab
26390, 26491, 26599: Improved logging
26600: DSS/DSA system blocked when upgrade to v1.2 fails
26386, 26425: Sync finishes with no result (no user attributes or groups)
25387: DSS: refined logs
27542: DSS: Steer clear of migrating duplicate values from older OLM Server records
28576: DSS: service down - kestrel.config empty
28724: DSS: Upgrade failed from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0
28738: DSS/Server: MsSQL CI: User data is not updated after the migration with data integrity
28906: DS: DSS upgrade from 1.2.1 to 1.3 fails with error - could not upgrade the DSS database
27203: DSS: Sync fails - Error: An item with the same key has already been added
25430: DSS: MySql: MySQL columns have no character set specified hence specific language characters like È™ break synchronization
26322: DSS: Relations (tsyncentities) are not created when the sync starts again after clicking Reset
26411: DSS with MS SQL: Unable to select database if user does not have access to other databases on the same Server
26431: DSS: Connection to database fails with error while trying to open file for GetProjectedObjectListAsync and CleanFailedJobsAsync
26489: DSS: User not assigned to the groups when upgrading (MsSQL CS)
26504: DSS: Login: Unable to login with UIUser If UIUser and Agent user match but AgentUser has incorrect password
26596: DSS upgrade to v1.2 configuration lost
26607: HTTPS: OpenLM DSS shortcut opens incorrect link after changing to https
26630: DSS: Entry of custom Sync Attribute not possible in UI
29916: DSS: Sync jobs randomly not starting/finishing
29533: DSS is unable to parse german language message: Ungültiger Objektname "t_version"
29361: DSS: LDAP sync ignores users from sync job - An item with the same key has already been added
29096: DSS: Serial job issue: - Sync jobs randomly not starting/finishing
28989: DSS: Sync By Time: Sync does not start per scheduled time multiple times within same day
28975: DSS: Relation is removed when synchronization is started again without changes on the AD side
28967: DSS: Firebird version is 1.1.2 after the clean installation
28951: DSS: Data is not updated in the OpenLM Server when the case is changes in the AD
28042: DSS: Default groups not set as expected
27946: LDAP: DSS not completing migration
27593: Server: DSS : Data Migration Error
30598: Not possible to access DSS, clicking on 'Continue without logging in' button
Important Note: see this link: to check the workflow of DSS with Server and Identity configured with SSL (https)
30249: Azure Active Directory (AD) integration, UI optimizations
32095: Azure AD: UI: The info icon text on [Group Rules] shows wrong info
32094: Azure AD: UI: Search depth field is enabled when Start Sync From is empty
32093: Azure AD: UI: 'Start node' instead of 'Start sync from' is displayed on the [Destination & Time] info icon text
32009: Server: Domains and Sync defs are migrated when user selects option
31410: DSS UI: Timestamps are shown as GMT+2
30610: DSS: Unable to sync individual entity when Active sync removed Relations after the All sync
29891: Loading UI screens might take up to 3 minutes
26057: LDAP:Sync Manager: Unable to sync active users if OUs contains "/"
25208: Server: EA: DSS: Wrong IP/Hostname copied by Copy button
26516: Ldap: DSS: Unable to group users by City and Company (EntityAttribute)
26688: LDAP: DSS: Add sync: Reaching Add Sync window from domain module, the domain name is not filled
30457: DSS: Resetting links leads to Error Message: Unable to reset the specified relationships, error message: SyncDef 7 is not found
32004: DS: Scheduled LDAP sync fails - Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: S. Path
33063: DSS - Duplicate entry exception (sync_entities)
33372: DSS: UI: Add Sync form: Start Node stays unchanged if user changes the Domain
33386: DSS: Sync definition does not display the start node path
33424: DSS: UI: Start Node is not filled
33427: DSS: Sync is not displayed as failed in UI if status 8 and 13 get to DB in the same second
31656: DSS - mark job as failed right after 401 error from OpenLM Server
33644: DSS, delete job from tsyncjobs when receiving 13 status on api/olm/jobs/{jobId:int}/{jobStatus:int}
33300: DSS and DSA should always start after system is restarting
30666: DSS: MySql Connector instead of Devart
33766: DSS: UI: When clicking [Sync now] button and error is displayed
33605: When configuring the Group Synchronization in DSA/DSS, it fails to get the members in the group
33444: DSS: Error is displayed when deleting and adding domain again using [Save domain & Add sync] button
26632: LDAP: DSS: Sync: No default values for Start Time, Sync Attribute, Membership filter and Hierarchical
26216: DSS: Error message is not properly formatted when there is no connection to MsSQL Server for Edge
33771: DS v1.4.1 compatibiliy with OpenLM Server v5.6
33867: Directory Synchronization - internal-nlog.txt file is getting large
33605: Group Synchronization in DSS/DSA but this fails to get members in the groups
33063: DSS - Duplicate entry exception (sync_entities)
32004: DS: Scheduled LDAP sync fails - Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: S. Path
25768: DSS does not update groups unless a change is made in the LDAP server
26687: LDAP: DSS: Sync Manager: Alert from info icon should not be displayed
33535: DSS: UI: [Unsaved Changes] modal form is displayed when exiting the sync definition without making any changes
33797: DSS: UI: OU and Distribution Groups are not selected by default for Active Directory type Hierarchical rule
33867: Directory Synchronization - internal-nlog.txt file is getting large
25151: LDAP: DSS: Sync failure if there are more than ~35 000 active users
34316: DSS Agent and Domain Delete buttons are not active even when an item is selected
33164: DSS: Sync Manager: Add Sync Forced Stop
34210: DSS custom attribute mapping
34205: Simplified SSL configuration
34227: The sync stops after a while if the DSS requests can't be authorized on Server side
34335: [Include start node] / [Include start group] checkbox is displayed as checked even if creategroupfromstartnode = 0 in DB
34345: Stopping the sync with status 2 then running it again immediately after, triggers a loop running
34327: DSS UI: [Start] field is empty when changing sync schedule type to "By interval" in Edit mode
34743: Scheduled syncs by time / by interval do not start at the configured time
34624: DSS - delete entities without OPENLMOBJECTID for previous sync
35135: DSS: For sync by time / by interval the group remains with openlmobjectid = null
34724: DSS: Shortcuts and installer [Finish] button open incorrect URL when passing on http
34189: Azure sync fails when syncing a deleted user from Azure AD
26288: DSS: Not user-friendly error message when DSS is down
35667: DSS: MSSQL Windows Authentication: Error appears when trying to Upgrade from v1.4 to 21
35518: DSS Upgrade failing from version set to start under domain account
35496: Installer: Text is overlapped by OpenLM logo
34493: Error during upgrade of the DSS
35117: DB Upgrade and DB Configuration do not work if DB Password contains ' character
User Story 35956: DS - create a script for ensuring service' startup order
35466: DS - UI to support Google Cloud Directory
36254: DSS: Google CDS: For hierarchical rule [Include start node] should be checked by default
36221: DSS: Google CDS: Subgroup is displayed as a user and the subgroup user is not displayed
36211: DSS: Google CDS: For populated [Start Sync From] field Search Depth shows error for values > 0
36154: DSS: Google CDS: The Destination & Time info icon for Start Sync From text is not correct
36142: DSS: Google CDS: [Test] button always shows failed result
36140: DSS: Google CDS: [Test] button is disabled if the "Start Sync From" field is empty
36138: DSS: Google CDS Domain: "Check domain connectivity" returns "Failed to validate domain"
35943: DSS UI - apostrophe ( ' ) is displayed as quotation mark ( " )
25007: DS: Azure AD: Support administrative units
36637: DSS - Membership filter for Administratvie Unit
36732: DSS: Installer: DbPassword is rewritten in the OpenLM.Ldap.Service config file while upgrading DSS
36725: DSS: Installer: Incorrect password is accepted
36705: DSS upgrade to v22 failed
31834: DSS - encrypt not full OpenLM.Ldap.Service.config but only passwords
36696: DSS: All users are synced for sync with Only members of Administrative Units and active users
36635: DSS: Text on Entities, Relations and EA Users is displayed in lowercase
36527: DSS: UI: Google CDS: Start Sync From field remains populated even after deletion
36525: DSS: Installer: Upgrade fails if Log on is for This Account and DB type is other then MSSQL Windows Authentication
36373: DSS: SQL DB Configuration: the DB Name field and buttons are displayed incorrectly
36276: DSS: Google CDS: Wrong attributes mapping
36275: DSS: Azure AD: Wrong attributes mapping
36228: LDAP: Google CDS: Time out error
36227: DSS: Azure group names are displayed differently then in EasyAdmin
36227: DSS: Azure group names are displayed in DSS UI and EA as email nicknames
36226: DSS: Azure sync is executed via nickname
36208: DS Google Cds - Entity Attribute group syncing is not working as expected
35984: DSS: Support forAWS Directory
36857: DSS: Azure: Groups are not added for attribute group rule and active users
36828: LDAP: Azure: Time out error
36767: LDAP: Directory Synchronization icon opens incorrect link
36229: DSS: Google CDS , Azure AD: Negative search depth values should not be allowed for blank Start Sync From
36158: DSS & ODS - Swagger entry point unification
36697: DS: Azure Ad - support of Administrative units for Group rules syncing
36429: DSS sync history implementation
37566: DSS: The Sync History page is empty when navigating to another page and then returning to the Sync History page
37500: DSS Sync history - 'Restore default columns' does not work
37499: DSS Sync history - 'Start from' does not work
37483: DSS: Sync history: Searching does not highlight data
37427: DSS is not loading UI after clean installation, when there is no connection to internet
37409: DSS: wrong Sync history description
36967: DSS: Azure and Google: UI error when clicking [Save] button in edit mode for syncs with empty Start Sync From
36634: DSS: Google CDS: Entities and Relations are not created for OU and active users
35735: DSS: Installer: Repair / Remove: OpenLM logo overlsps text
35531: DSS UI doed not encode character + in the URL
37882: DSS: Sync history: Big history data is displayed with a delay
37826: DSS: Upgrading causes connection loss with OpenLM Server
37683: DSS sync history - Refresh Table implementationation
37986: DSS/DSA - Eliminate Services startup order dependencies
38486: DSS doesn't save EnableSecurity flag received from Identity request
38354: DSA - failure to scan full domain tree
38086: DSS - SonarQube fix for BinaryFormatter deserialization
37956: DSS: Scheduled jobs not starting for several days
26324: UI: "Last Synced On" Column issues
37006: LDAP: An error appears when running 3 Azure syncs for active users at the same time
39255: DSS sync fails with the error "OLM Started to process data failed".
25922: DSS - when in edit mode, Sync window indicates if the sync is curenlty in progress
29077: Cloud: Login to DSS using Safari web browser
38629: DSS UI - new domain type - AWS Directory
42037: DSS - upgraded applications from net 3.1 to 6.0
40105: Added possibility to select an existing "parent group" in group sync definition
41993: Set domain password limit to 500 in DB
39529: OpenLM DSS / DSA v22.6.3.1151: Check Domain Connectivity shows failure but sync works well
39441: Active users are not synced if OUs contain "/"
39357: [Domain Manager] tab: Displayed directory type should be "Active Directory / AWS"
38103: Domain check fails - username or password incorrect (but it is not)
35062: Apache domain default start node is 10389 instead of 389
43412: Authentication settings changes
44496: Upgradeed databases are not displayed in the in the DB configuration list
42277: Trim error message to fit into the column
43389: DSS sync failure with error if only LDAP Connector is activated
44194: Synchronization improvements for Azure AD (new sync attributes - onPremisesSamAccountName and mailNickname)
43512: Integration with Audit Service
44470: Syncs get stuck when running simultaneously many Google syncs
42487: DSS removes users from Option File Group unintended
38048: Email alert when a sync jobs starts and fails and when a sync job is enabled and has not been running as scheduled
36564: Entity Attributes sync for GoogleCds improvements
45500: Ability to sync custom list of attributes from a Directory
45352: A Sync does not start if it is run first for active users and then for all users
45241: A timeout from DSS is not reported as failure
45801: LDAP: Domain and Start node tests fail for all domains except for Active Directory
45247: Incorrect Sync Attributes displayed when switching sync's domain
44517: MariaDB / MYSQL DBs with 12 tables are not displayed on DB Upgrade list
49219: UI an error appears when clicking "save" button on Notifications tab
48129: Okta domain can be saved with wrong format of Client Private Key without error in edit mode
48101: UI added option for encrypted SQL connection and trusted certificate
47897: Okta domain data can't be edited
47740: AzureAD sync can be saved with no selected objec class
46807: UI changes to Okta directory configuration
46787: Email notifications configuration changes
46584: UI Apache and Edirectory object "Computers"
46550: Encrypted (ssl) connection to DB is not working
46547: UI "Sync attributes" alligned to "Sync object type"
46187: UI "Custom selection of attributes" info text
46117: Group Rule does not delete wrapper from DSS DB
46110: UI toggle on button is dysplaying in green instead of blue
47763: Enhanced DSS UI with integration for Nis
49246: DSS sync issue with start nodes for Azure, Apache, eDirectory, and Okta
49521: DSS issue where Azure [Department] and [Country] attributes did not sync for specific AU settings.
49552: Issue where DSS wrapper parent group name disappears from DB after Bulk Edit.
49758: DSS issue where a duplicate empty group with the user's name is created in Entities, Relations, and EA Groups
49759: Dropdown options for Entity Attribute Group Rules in DSS UI Nis.
49804: DSS NIS issue with Active User syncs not functioning as expected.
49998: Enhanced DSS UI Nis with improved placeholder width and clarified information text for sync configurations.
50145: Issue where DSS NIS check domain connectivity did not fail with incorrect port settings.
51153: Security system false alert that blocked DSS installer.
50200: Issue where EA user's [First Name] field was incorrectly populated during attribute sync in DSS NIS.
50761: Issue where [Security groups] and [Include start node] checkboxes were not checked by default in DSS NIS.
51052: Problem where Sync def could be saved with no checkboxes selected for Hierarchical group rule in DSS UI NIS.
51154: Default port values after switching domain type from NIS in DSS UI.
51448: Sorting issue in DSS [Entities] for the [Entity Type] column.
42184: Sync History to display records only for the last sync instead of 2 days in LDAP.
52346: NIS: Sync with correct users/ start node fails for active user that isn't on SLM
46282: Syncs get stuck on "Directory scan started" step when running a few Active Directory syncs with incorrect start nodes
56439: Removed usernames from logging (for active scan)
52132: Faster delete of users & groups from DSS DB
20681: K8s: LDAP SYNC creating groups based on more than one Attribute