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Installing the ESRI ArcGIS Administrator as a second License Manager

A single machine may very well host several FlexLM License management vendor daemons. The following process elaborates on how to install the ArcGIS license manager on a machine that already hosts the Autodesk LM. In the process, we will show how to authorize the ArcGIS license, set the FlexLM license manager to interface with the ArcGIS license manager, and configure ArcGIS license management ports.



During this process, we set the vendor daemon port and license manager port in order to obtain better control over these services, and set inbound rules in the Windows’ firewall administrator.



1. ArcGIS License Manager setup:

Download the Latest ArcGIS License Manager setup executable file to your intended license server. In this case: ArcGIS_License_Manager_Windows_1022_XXXXX.exe. Run the file, and follow the installation procedure.

2. Authorization:

Open the ArcGIS License Server Administrator tool, in the ‘Authorization’ node. Select the version number in the ‘version’ drop down menu, and click the “Authorize now” button. The software authorization wizard opens. In this case we already had an authorization code for a single desktop license with no extensions. We chose to authorize ArcGIS using the internet, and specified this information on the following screens.

3. LMTOOLs configuration

As stated above, we started out with a license server that already hosted the Autodesk LM. See the LMTOOLs windows below:

Select the “Config Services” tab, and type ‘ARCGIS’ in the Service name text drop box. Click the ‘Browse’ button: the path text boxes are cleared. The ArcGIS License manager was installed at its default path: C:Program Files (x86)ArcGISLicense10.1, so that’s where we directed the three required paths:

  • lmgrd.exe: C:Program Files (x86)ArcGISLicense10.1lmgrd.exe
  • License file: C:Program Files (x86)ArcGISLicense10.1service.txt
  • debug log file: C:Program Files (x86)ArcGISLicense10.1lmgrd9.log

We also selected the server to run as a service, and start on power up.

4. License file:

In the license file we dictated specific ports for the license server and vendor daemon. These were 27001 and 12345 respectively:

SERVER this_host ANY 27001




The ARCGIS service is now configured, and should be apparent on the LMTOOLs utility window.

5. Firewall

The two license management ports (27001 and 12345) need to have a firewall inbound rule assigned to them, to permit communication over the network.

This concludes the actions that need to be implemented on the FlexLM license server.

6. Set server and port:

Open the ArcGIS License Server Administrator tool on the client machine, in the ‘Desktop’ node. Click the ‘Change’ button, and type in the server name and port number of the newly configured license server, like this: port_number@server_name.

If several license servers are configured, a semi-colon ‘;’ will be needed to separate between them, i.e:  port_number_1@server_name_1; port_number_2@server_name_2

That’s it – we’re done with the license manager configuration and can check out ArcGIS licenses on that server.


Verifying in EasyAdmin

Now we can utilize OpenLM to monitor the checked-out ArcGIS licenses over the EasyAdmin User Interface.

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