OpenLM supports license monitoring of a wide, and ever growing variety of license managers.
This document elaborates on the steps required to configure OpenLM to monitor the Solidworks EPDM database, to monitor EPDM license usage and extract license usage reporting.
Configure OpenLM server to monitor EPDM license usage
- Make sure you have a single OpenLM Server installation on a central network server.
- Windows Start button –> OpenLM –> OpenLM Server.
- Select the LM Tools tab –> EPDM.
- Fill in the EPDM connection string fields:
- Server Name –> EPDM server hostname or IP
- Database Name –> EPDM database
- SQL Username –> the database username
- Password –> the database password for the above username
- Test the connection by clicking Test
- Select License Servers –> Click Add.
- Type –> Select EPDM.
- Description –> Name the server.
- Time Zone –> Select the license server time zone.
- Type in the license server’s Hostname and vendor Port number. (Any text will do – insignificant for this LM)
- Is Triad Configuration –> Select if true.
- Uncheck the box Use Broker.
- Uncheck the box Use License File.
- Click Apply.
- For added functionality, you can also install the OpenLM Agent or evaluate the OpenLM Extensions.
- See the Reports of OpenLM.