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Interfacing the License4J License Manager – KB4001n

1. Scope

OpenLM supports license monitoring of a wide, and ever growing variety of license managers.

This application note elaborates the steps required to configure OpenLM to interface the License4J License Manager, and obtain reliable license reports and usage statistics. This capability is available for License4J version 4.3.4 onward.

2. Prerequisites

Monitoring of the License4J license server requires the installation of:

  • An add-on for OpenLM needs to be located on the License4J license server machine. The Add-on will query the License4J license server locally.
  • The OpenLM Broker also needs to be installed on the License4J license server machine. It  will propagate the query results to the OpenLM Server.
  • The OpenLM Server needs to be installed on any Windows machine on the network (including the License4J license server machine), as elaborated below. It will parse and present the license server query results on the EasyAdmin web application.

Interfacing the License4J License Manager


3. Configuration

3.1. OpenLM Server Configuration Tool

In order to configure OpenLM to work with the License4J License Manager, follow this procedure:

1. Download and install the OpenLM Server.

2. Open the OpenLM Server configuration tool.

3. Select the License Servers tab, and click Add.

4. From the Type drop-down menu, select “OpenLM Generic“.

5. Type in a descriptive text in the Description text box (e.g.: “my License4J license server”).

6. Set the Time Zone to where the License Server physically resides (e.g.: Pacific).

7. Type in the license server’s hostname or IP in the Hostname text box (e.g. license4j_server)

Note that the exact same name will need to be used in the OpenLM Broker configuration as well (see below).

8. Type in the port number provided by License4J in the port text box(e.g. 16090).

Note that the same number will need to be used in the OpenLM Broker configuration as well (see below).

9. “Is Triad Configuration”: OpenLM supports multiple server redundancy configurations for several types of license servers (e.g.: FlexLM, DSLS, IBM LUM). At the time of writing this article, OpenLM does not yet support multiple server redundancy for License4J. Keep this box unchecked.

10. Use Broker checked.

11. Click Apply.


3.2. OpenLM Broker configuration

1. Download and install the latest OpenLM Broker version. Follow the installation and configuration instructions on the OpenLM Broker Application Note:

OpenLM Broker installation Guide: Quick Reference

2. Type in the OpenLM Server hostname (e.g. my_openLM_server)

3. Set the OpenLM Broker – OpenLM Server communication port number. It’s default is 5015. Make sure the OpenLM Server Port is open for inbound communication.

4. Make sure the License Servers characteristics are exactly as in the OpenLM Server Configuration tool (listed above):

  • Highlight the License Servers node
  • Type in the License server’s hostname (e.g. license4j_server), and click Apply.

5. Add a Port to the the newly named License server:

  • Click on the license4j_server node
  • Click ‘Add Port
  • Type in the same port number as configured on the OpenLM Server configuration tool (e.g. 16090)
  • In the “License Manager Type” drop box, select OpenLM Generic.
  • Click Apply and then OK.

6. Download the add-on for License4J onto the License4J license server machine, and unzip it (e.g. to the C:tmp folder).

7. Open the Commands section and select data_inquiry node. Type in the full path to the License4J data inquiry command:

java -jar "<Fullpath>FloatingLicenseServerQueryOpenLM.jar" <ServerNameOrIP>:<PortNumber>

In this example, the command is:

java -jar "C:tmpFloatingLicenseServerQueryOpenLMFloatingLicenseServerQueryOpenLM.jar” license4j_server:16090

8. Click the ‘Execute’ button to check the operation of the Data Inquiry command.

9. Click the Apply button.

10. Repeat stages 7 thru 9 for the ‘Status’ command.

11. Expand the Vendors ‘+’ sign and type ‘License4J‘ in the Vendor text box.

12. Click ‘Apply’. If prompted by the “Vendor details changed, do you want to update the commands with the new data” – click ‘No‘.

13. Click the “Restart Broker” button.


Your OpenLM system is configured to present License4J license usage information. If you require any further assistance on this subject – please contact support@OpenLM.com, and our team will be glad to assist.

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