OpenLM Cloud Logs uploader

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The logs uploader is what we call the “Manual” method of interfacing with a Flexlm license manager. The license manager files must be uploaded manually to the EasyAdmin User interface.
Make sure to have the necessary admin roles for this procedure.


  1. Navigate to the EasyAdmin User Interface:
    • Go to Start → Administration → License Manager Servers → Add LM.
  2. Set Up License Manager Details:
    • Unique Name: Enter a unique name to identify the License Manager. (1)
    • License File: Drag and drop the license file into the designated area. (2)
  3. Submit the License File:
    • Click [Submit]. (3)
  4. Configure Connection Settings:
    • Port Number: Define the port number for the License Manager. (4)
    • Time Zone: Select the appropriate time zone for the License Manager. (5)
  5. Click [Save] to finalize the setup.

Add a new License Server window (manually)

Figure 1: Add a new License Server window (manually)

  1. The next step is to upload the debug log. To do so, click on the Cloud Icon on the upper right side:
    Debug log upload iconFigure 2: Debug log upload icon
  2. Drag and drop the debug log, then click [Upload].
    Drag and drop the debug log prompt

Figure 3: Drag and drop the debug log prompt

  1. Then, the licensing data will be displayed in various OpenLM reports, such as License Activity.

License activity window

Figure 4: License activity window


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