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System Integrators and License Managers

For IT System Integrators

If you are an IT system integrator whose projects include the implementation a license manager product such as those produced by Flexera, IBM, Sentinel and Reprise, you should know that OpenLM produces unique tools that optimize and streamline the way the work of IT license administrators and the licensed application end-users.

OpenLM serves the user company by providing important usage information that license managers don’t give. They don’t give this information because they are designed to serve the vendors of the software applications and optimizing license usage is not a high priority concern for them.

If your project involvement includes giving outsourced IT services as well, see IT Outsourcing Services.

If you would like to know more about how OpenLM helps your customers stretch their licenses to the limit, leave us your details and we will call you.

For Companies Looking for a System Integrator

If your company uses engineering software such as Matlab, ArcGIS and Autodesk, and you are looking for a system integrator to handle the implementation for you, you should know that some service providers don’t know about OpenLM software and its powerful monitoring, optimization and management capabilities that help you to ‘stretch your licenses to their limit’. Monitoring and usage analysis gives you the full picture to report to any stakeholder. License optimization means not buying more licenses than you need while avoiding genuine denials, controlling your own usage policy over and beyond the limitations of the license agreement and other productivity tools to streamline your operations relating to license management.


Ask your system integrator to include OpenLM in your deployment, to give you the best license : user ratio and at the same time keep your teams working unhindered

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